Let’s Celebrate…. Responsibly!!!
Let’s Celebrate…. Responsibly!!! As India celebrates its Glorious Independence Year ahead, it is high time every individual to act responsibly towards self, family- friends and society and most importantly towards Mother Nature.
Osteoporosis: In simple words, Osteoporosis is thinning of the bones. It is a reduction in the bone mass per volume unit, this reduction is sufficient to interfere with the mechanical support functionsRead More…
Most Commonly Occurring Arthritis – Osteoarthritis (O.A.) is the most commonly occurring type of arthritis. It occurs most frequently in the knees, hands, and hips. It is also called as degenerative diseaseRead More…
Arthritis & Food
Arthritis according to Ayurved is caused due to “Vaat dosha” and the accumulation of “Aam” in the body aggravates the vaat dosha. Our Daily food intake habits have a major role onRead More…
Arthritis is an Inflammation/ swelling of a joint usually accompanied by pain and frequently changes the structure of the affected body part. It is also marked by the degeneration of the cartilageRead More…
Patents with respect to medicines
The patent just does not mean ” Monopoly Rights ” only, nor it is granted only for the ‘ unique ness’ or novelty of the thing but it is granted after veryRead More…
Fracture Healing Process
Fracture Healing Process Our Human Body has a very unique and complex response to repair when a person gets a fractured bone/s. This process is broadly classified as – Reactive Phase ReparativeRead More…
Bone Fracture and Its Type
Fractures are caused by an accidental impact on the bone leading to discontinuation of the bone tissue causing severe pain and immobility. Bone fractures are one of the most commonest causes leadingRead More…
Causes of Bone Fractures
What causes fracture?Healthy bones are extremely flexible and can withstand amazingly powerful effects. However, under sufficient force, they may crack or break.The most common causes of fracture are Domestic falls, Road TrafficRead More…
Awareness Blog
#Trustyourdoctor Dear all, always have faith and full trust in your Doctor. He/ She knows the patients’ condition more accurate than the Internet & he/she shall always try to offer best possibleRead More…