The patent just does not mean ” Monopoly Rights ” only, nor it is granted only for the ‘ unique ness’ or novelty of the thing but it is granted after very minute scrutiny of the Patent Application & only when the Patent Office is convinced that the thing for which the Patent is asked for is really unique not done before by anyone else & most importantly that it is hugely advantageous & is beneficial to large population.
Awareness in our society about the Patents is very superficial. Because, most people feel that it’s not necessary for them anyway.
The Govt. of India & every country has their respective ” Intellectual Property Rights ( Patents’ ) Office/s.
This particular office in our country is headed by a senior I.A.S. officer, supported by an exclusively trained, experienced, technically qualified dedicated team of Officers & the support staff who also have the legal bend of mind.
Usually, a person or a business organization, or the research Institute applies for the Patent.
Utmost confidentiality & professionalism is maintained by the said office and the officers exhibiting a high degree of integrity.
Whenever the Patent is granted to any medicine, its thorough examination, right from the source & purity of the raw materials to their safety as well as efficacy in treating the human disease is genuinely verified & when both the medicinal safety and efficacy are satisfactory & found safe for the human use, then only the Patent is granted to a drug or a formulation.